Read our Halloween tips here for everyone for whom the world situation doesn't have enough horror to offer. Not far from Vienna is the Moravian city of Brno (Brno) and horror fans will get their money's worth there.

1. the Brno ossuary : in 2001, piles of bones from an abandoned cemetery were discovered under the St. James Church. Around 50,000 people were buried there until the 18th century. About 10 years ago the bones were cleaned, disinfected and made accessible to the public. Address: Jakubské náměstí, 658 78 Brno (Old Town, not far from Freedom Square)
2. the nuclear bunker 10 Z : This air raid shelter would have served as a shelter for the communist elite in an emergency. Thankfully it was never needed, but there is a very high spooky factor in seeing the inside of the bunker or even sleeping here (it's also a hotel).

The vaults of the bunker still have the old equipment from the Cold War. This means almost no comfort for visitors and hotel guests. Everything is reduced to the essentials of life, oxygen, light, food, water, etc... The death chamber was transferred from the nearby prison to the bunker, creating a very eerie atmosphere. Address: Husova, 602 00 Brno-střed (Husova Street separates the Špilberk with the fortress from the old town, ideal for parking your car, e.g. in the Domini Garage)

3. the prison and museum in the Spielberg Fortress : The fortress was besieged several times but never taken. Only Napoleon entered the fortress after his victory over Austria and celebrated his birthday here in 1809. The brave ones get a ticket for a tour of the casemates and the museum. Political opponents of the Habsburgs were mainly imprisoned in the casemates below the fortress and it was considered the toughest prison in Europe and you can still see that today.
Get scared, Happy Halloween !
[own photos from 10/21/23; All rights reserved]
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