🖤 ​​8 years of Welthonig & 8% discount on orders [Discount code: HappyBirthdayWelthonig] 🖤

honey from the rest of the world

Honey from distant places and exotic flowers for everyone who appreciates a change from home cooking.

Regular price €139.90
Apicoltura Brezzo
Regular price €17.50
Apicoltura Brezzo
Regular price €14.50
Apicoltura Brezzo
Regular price €14.50
Imkerei Feldt
Regular price €13.90
Apicoltura Brezzo
Regular price €8.90
Imkerei Feldt
Regular price €13.90
Imkerei Feldt
Regular price €13.90
Imkerei Feldt
Regular price €13.90