We open door no. 3 of the World Honey Advent Calendar
Behind it is pure Christmas scent and cinnamon taste! This fair trade organic honey with cinnamon, clove, cardamom and nutmeg smells and tastes like Christmas should taste. The honey has a very creamy, delicate consistency that goes perfectly with the cinnamon aroma and this time of year. Just sit down and enjoy a spoonful, or add to yoghurt, or share with the family as a breakfast spread on bread and pastries.
If you want to win a jar, please give us a like and an estimate of how many ingredients this honey consists of. Whoever guesses best wins, in case of a tie the first posting wins. Tomorrow we'll post under this post who won!
And so that everyone has something from door # 3, we're doing -10% on this organic honey until midnight. Code " I
Enter Canela" at checkout. The discount will be applied automatically.

Rules of the game: We open a door every day on Insta and FB and behind it there is a prize for participants aged 18 and over, who can either pick up the prize in store (no obligation to buy) or place an online order promptly, so that we can win the prize with the goods can send. Fans in Germany and Switzerland can also play. You are all welcome!
The giveaway is not related to FB, Insta, or any other part of the meta universe! Prizes cannot be paid in cash and legal recourse is final.