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Corbezzolo honey from Corsica (very bitter)

Apicoltura Brezzo

Regular price €27.90

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The special thing about this honey is its bitterness. The "Arbutus" variety, known in German as the strawberry tree, or as the Italian beekeeper calls it "Corbezzolo", is by far the most bitter honey in the world . Connoisseurs know how bitter this honey can be and anyone who prefers sweet honeys is not advised to choose this honey.

The Brezzo family beekeeping business is based in Piedmont and travels with the bees to carry out pollination work, including to the islands of Sardinia and Corsica, as well as to Provence in the south of France. The real Corsican honey can be recognized by the additional label with the protected designation of origin "Mele di Corsica - Miel de Corse".

Honey from the strawberry tree is rare because the tree only blooms in autumn and trade winds make it difficult for bees to fly at this time of year. Harvest quantities are therefore very low and demand is particularly high. This is because in folk medicine in the Mediterranean region, this honey is said to have healing and strengthening properties. Without actually being able to verify this, beekeepers advertise a high vitamin C content and accelerated healing for flu and colds. Even during the COVID pandemic, reports have appeared at times that attribute at least a soothing effect to this honey. However, studies and laboratory data are lacking for all of these claims. For this reason, we would like to limit ourselves to the consumption of this honey and ask you to contact your trusted doctor if you have any health-related questions.

  • 250 g in a jar at 15.90 EUR; basic price 1 kg = 63.60 EUR
  • 500 g in a jar at EUR 27.90 each; basic price 1 kg = EUR 55.80

If you prefer the cost-effective option, you should take a look at the strawberry tree honey from the Feldt beekeeping company.

Manufacturer: Apicoltura Brezzo Srl, Italy

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